Sunday, February 28, 2010

Look what I can do!!!

First, I wake up in my crib and look around to get someone's attention - anyone - my mom, dad, or Auntie Jill.

When I dont see anyone, I put my hands on the rail so that I can get a better look.

Then, I puuuuulllll myself up and stand!

Then I babble and make noises until someone comes and gets me!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Me + Purple Hippo = Best Friends

I've been battling a bad case of bronchitis the last 5 days. I missed day care all week to try and get better. Tonight I was finally feeling a little better and wanted to try out this amazing rocking hippo I got for my baby shower. It was so much fun to sit on, just wait until I can rock back and forth on it all by myself! I am enjoying getting around in each room and even started trying to pull myself up onto things. Now if I could just get up the courage to try pulling myself up with BOTH hands...I just might be successful!!!

I want to take this time to ask you all to say a little prayer for my preemie friend Issac. His mommy, Renee, and my mommy are good friends, friends since high school. Renee's water broke early and Issac was born last week at 27 weeks. He weighed 1 lb. 15 oz. He is already a little fighter too! I can't believe he was much, much smaller than me - didnt even think that was possible. Check out how TINY his feet are - they are next to a quarter in the picture below - A QUARTER!!!

We are fighting for you baby Issac - stay strong!!!

I'm feeling better everyone!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Vintage Atiana!

With Atiana being almost 10 months old now, it's funny to go back and watch the little videos that we recorded of her when she was she so little still. Now that she is crawling around everywhere and doesn't like to be held like a baby anymore, I am glad we have these little videos to remind of us of just how little she was! This video was taken in August and Atiana was just a little over 3 months. She liked to coo and make sounds, but apparently not for me at the time I took this video. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Little Itty Bitty

Atiana is such a happy girl in the morning! (she must take after her Auntie Jill because mom and dad are NOT morning people!) These pictures taken today before we left for day care.

Thanks cousins Reina, Alex, and Cruz for this cute outfit they gave Ati for Christmas, it fits perfect!