Sunday, August 29, 2010

5 Days 'til Trojan football!!!

Its been a crazy off-season for us, but the time has almost come for another football season. Atiana is looking forward to watching the game on Thursday night - maybe she will even get to stay up a lil past her bedtime since the game starts so late.

Fight On Trojans!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Atiana and "her" iPad!

Mom thought she won an iPad, but lately it seems like it belongs to Atiana! Here she is watching some of her favorite shows on the newest, coolest gadget $$money$$ can buy!!!

Hopefully this can keep her sitting still at the upcoming USC games!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Atiana's Baptism

Here are some pics from Atiana's Baptism. It was a long ceremony on a hot day, but we all survived!

She is a very lucky girl and has two great Ninas - Jill and Leticia.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Love to Dance!

Here is a video of Atiana dancing in the backseat of the car. She LOOOOVES the Black Eyed Peas, so anytime any of their songs come on, she can be seen getting her groove on!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Gardening with Dad

Our backyard is really coming along. We have our gazebo up, our new patio furniture out, and are working hard on the landscaping. Ati picked up a shovel and got dirty to help get the work done!

Here are some pics of her working hard with her dad to make our backyard beautiful. And though it wasn't bath night, Atiana sure needed one afterwards!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

It's a lazy Sunday

I tried to stay in my jammies as long as I could but that would be rude.

My Nina Leticia came by to bring us breakfast and visit me this morning. She was happy to get to see me dance to all my favorite Nickelodeon shows.