Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New toddler bed at Gaga's house

After spending the night at Gaga's last week and refusing to sleep in her playpen, Ati got a toddler bed!

She loved it! She jumped on it, pretended to sleep in it (with just ONE eye closed), and watched TV in it.

Maybe now she will actually sleep in it! Yeah, right!!!

First USC game of the season

Ati went to her first game of the season this past weekend. We walked to campus to visit dad's old classmates and hung out with friends at the Coliseum. She really wouldn't let us get any pics, but we managed to get one of her pointing to Traveler on the field and one with her Nina Leti walking over to the game.

Her favorite part, we think, was watching "Trav" run out on the field - she clapped every time!!!


Ati likes her hair in pigtails, she calls them her "puffs."

Friday, September 2, 2011

Always ride with a friend!

Here is Ati with her friend Jerry on a ride at Knott's. Mom got off work half day to kick off the long weekend (thanks Time Warner!) so we went to meet up with friends. It was HOT but look at how much fun these two had together!!!