Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Throwback Tuesday

Here is an old video of Ati that I found while clearing out my phone and it made me so sad to see how much she has grown since this was taken for her 2nd birthday. Why does she have to grow up so fast???

Atiana learns to swim

Here she is on the first day of class.

During the two weeks of swimming lessons I took countless videos of Ati learning to swim. You can see her getting better right before your eyes! Here is a series of videos I captured, sorry it took so long for me to upload. Enjoy!


After gaining a ton of confidence and getting much better at jumping in, Ati was waiting her turn to take a jump and she was pushed by one of her classmates. She took it on the chin and was right back in the water the next day, that's our girl!


Friday, July 27, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

More pics from the Dodger game

Xavier's first Dodger game

Here are the kids at the Dodger game Saturday night. Brother was such a good boy, sister....not so much! She was just a little too crazy - jumping around and screaming. Maybe she had too much sugar.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer swim suits!

These two are ready to hit the pool this summer!!!

Ati is loving her swim mining lessons and Xavier likes to get in Gaga's warm jacuzzi then take long naps afterwards.

Loungin' around

The weather was pretty weird today - humid but gloomy. We lounged in mom & dad's bed all morning watching TV.

Does this bib make me look like a baby?

Don't be fooled...I really am a mature almost 4-month old!