Wednesday, August 22, 2012

5 months old

Xavier was 5 months old yesterday and he's quickly outgrowing his bouncy chair!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hope everyone is staying cool!

Man, it's HOT! Hopefully we only have a couple more weeks of heat this summer left, because it's not fun being stuck inside our house during this heat wave! But, things could be least we have air conditioning! Hope everyone is staying cool, see you soon!

And we now have two dancing machines

This past weekend Xavier has really started to interact with his sister. He likes to watch her do everything! She has been able to get him to laugh and "talk" to her. She got a real kick out of him while dancing (of course) to the music at the end of the Lorax DVD.

Here are some videos:

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Look at meeeee...I'm eating big boy food!

Xavier has been having a little bit of apple sauce every day since Sunday and he looooooves it!

We tried rice cereal a couple of weeks ago but he wasn't having it! It wasn't until I brought out the apple sauce that he was excited to eat!

Next week we're on to bananas!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

On her way to work!

Ati got on her bike in the morning with her lunch and blanket (would love to know where she works that she can take a nap!) in tow and said she was headed to work for the day. She put on her shades and was off to her job! LOL

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Xavier: 4 Month Old Stats

Can't believe our little guy is 4 months old! He is growing and healthy, which is all we can ask for.

He went to his 4 month checkup this past Monday and here are his stats:
  • 16 lbs. 2 oz.
  • 24.5 inches long
  • Smiling & laughing
  • Rolling over
  • Sticks out his tongue if you do it to him
  • Goes from sitting to standing when held
  • Sitting up with little assistance
  • Eating rice cereal in his bottle before bed
  • Sleeping 8-9 hours at night
Mom is REALLLLLLY gonna miss him when she goes back to work next week :(

Dodger game 8.7.12

Last week it seemed like a good idea for the family to go to one last Dodger game this season, the only thing we didnt know was that it was going to be SO hot! Xavier was a little grumpy at the beginning because he was a little too hot but it slowly cooled down and we had a good time.

I was able to get good pics of the kids BEFORE we left the game. And we finally got a family picture taken.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

He's ready for football season!

Little does this guy know just how crazy his house gets during football season! USC on Saturdays and Fantasy Football on Sundays and Monday nights! Xavier better be ready to go!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Shopping for cousin Jay Jay

Mom & Xavier went out to buy cousin Jay Jay his birthday gift and someone really liked the Spongebob puzzle!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Look what I learned!

Ati claims that cousin Miguel taught her this dance. Check out the moves!