Friday, March 22, 2013

One year check-up

12 month stats:
- 20lbs 11oz.
- 31 inches
- 7 teeth
- walking 9-10 steps

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Happy birthday Xavier!

He's ONE year old today and we have enjoyed every minute of spending the past year with him.

Xavier is funny, smart, and so much fun to watch grow. Happy birthday to our no-so-baby boy!

Xavier is walking!

Just a little more than 12 hours before his birthday Xavier officially walked down the hallway at our house. He's been takin 2-4 steps for a couple of weeks now, but not really "walking." So glad that we got it on tape to share with everyone.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Luck of the Irish

While on our weekly trip to Target, Ati saw this cute green hat. She asked me to buy it and I told her, if I bought it, she would have to wear it for St. Patrick's day - to school, to Robins, anywhere, so she could get her use out of it. She happily agreed she would - and she did! She wore that hat all last week and even some of this week.

Meanwhile, Brother had a cute leprechaun shirt he wore that was a hit!

Hope you all wore green!

Pictures from Sunday:

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fun at the park

The kids had a great time at the park on Sunday, the weather was beautiful. Just enough breeze and sunlight!

Here are the best pics from the outing:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Chalking up a weekend win

As this weekend comes to a close, I am reflecting on all the things I was able to get done - more birthday party prep, cleaning, organizing, and errands. Dad even managed to squeeze in a golf lesson on Saturday!

So Sunday, with the extra hour of sunlight, we ran off to the park for a little outdoor time. (pics to come!)

I also have been wanting to use the chalk we have to write stuff on our brick wall and get some pics of the kids.

Here are some of the best pics:

Sunday = ice cream day

We switched the clocks and thought we deserved ice cream for the hour we lost :)