Saturday, March 29, 2014

We celebrate with ice cream!

Th day after Xavier's "official birthday" we went to the new Farrell's in Buena Park to have a lunch and ice cream with some family.

Xavier enjoyed eating waffle fries and ice cream, of course, and had a good time opening his gifts and blowing out the candles on his birthday ice cream.

It's bittersweet for us as we now officially do not have a "baby" in the house. But, we love seeing this amazing boy grow into a curious and fearless toddler.

More birthday pictures of Xavier

In between jobs I had a week off of work and Xavier and I went to Santiago Regional Park to take some pictures of him for his 2nd birthday.

Here are more pictures of him from this day. Good thing the park was empty during the week, because this guy had me running all over the place!

Again, happy second birthday to Xavier!!!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy 2nd birthday Xavier!

Can't believe this guy is TWO YEARS OLD! Where did the time go???

He's happy, healthy, and oh, so cute! Everyday he does something funny...and annoying, but he's a boy, our boy, and we love him to the moon and back!

Happy birthday to our brother, poopy pants (Ati's special name for him), X, Zay Zay, Xman, (and all his other nicknames!), this house just wouldn't be a home without you!


Monday, March 17, 2014