Thursday, May 28, 2015

Congratutions Oscar!

He's officially a high school graduate!

Congratulations Oscar and the Class of 2015, bask in the glory and get ready for the next chapter!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Rain, rain, go away!

Xavier was ready for the rain last week in his boots (actually gardening boots) that he demanded to wear!

Mother's Day 2015

It was important to me to take pictures with the kids this Mother's Day because 1) time is flying by and 2) I want to remember my time with the kids when they were still small enough to be OK with being in pictures with me.

Thanks to my amazingly talented friend Jenny, we captured some really beautiful pictures of me with the kids at Arlington Gardens in Pasadena.

Here are some great shots of me with the kids - either of them or both. I will post their individual and combo pics separately (the ones that do not have me!):

Kids at Arlington Gardens

In addition to the Mother's Day pictures I got with the kids, we also captured some individual or combo shots of the kids. They came out great!

Atiana's last at bats of the season

Softball season has come to an end!

Ati wrapped up the season with some good hits in the last week of games, here are some I am just getting to upload here:

Atiana softball 04.27.15 - 1st at bat:

Atiana softball 04.27.15 - 2nd at bat: 

Atiana softball game 05.04.15: