Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mom's Night at school

Monday night was Mom's Night at Ati's school. It was a beach theme and Ati and I wore matching pants and hats. She played games and did "beach" activities and we made a frame for the picture they took of us -which we will post when we get it.

Of course we all know that Atiana is an amazing, loving, out-of-this-world kid but when another parent says those same things, you can't help but feel great! I met a lot of other moms and had a chance to talk to some of her teachers - all of them love her and noted her "spunkiness," "creativity," and "loving heart" - especially her teacher Ms. Lisa.

The highlight of the evening though was when another mother approached me to ask if I was Atiana's mom, I said a big "yes!" She said she wanted to tell me how "overwhelmed" she was with our Ati's kindness. Her daughter, Mackayla, started school last week and both she and her husband were extremely nervous about her first day, and rightfully so. She said when they nervously walked to the school that morning Atiana came up to them and said "What's your name? My name is Atiana Jessi, nice to meet you!" And she asked Mackayla if she wanted to go read a book with her. Mackayla ran off with her and said bye to her parents without any tears! Her mom showed me pictures on her phone of them two of them together and said without Atiana she truly doesn't know how she could've gotten though that good-bye - it was something that she had been dreading for weeks and just like that, all the stress was gone! She finished off the conversation with Mackayla's parents with "My dad's a doctor, he fixes people!"

Of course we are extremely proud of her for her loving, kind heart, but really, we are not surprised - we are lucky to say we are parents to this amazing girl!!! She is doing great at school and loving every minute of it.

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